Thursday, August 12, 2010

As I sit on Gurl's front porch and contemplate my situation...

I look up at the sky and notice stars & clouds, which so recently could/would have scuttled an afternoon visit to the waterpark...

Did I arrive here a few hours ago, after an extraordinarily satisfying ride on the motorcycle, to find three girls more than mildly content to see me? I did.
Of the three, one with whom I will not be having sex with tonight, and I, seem to have a special bond, and a bond I enjoy. What if... she really were mine? What if I'd had the chance to raise this one from birth, and instill into her my own virtues? As it stands, I have a son who is enamored with her, mostly for her irreverent sense of humour. They will become a piar to cause me no end of grief - as different as night & day in age & social standing, yet one and the same... partners in crime.
One is at home in a crowd... "He's funny", according to all the girls in his class at school (no shit, bitches).
Too young to be a paramour...
And his counterpart... too old for him, even at twelve... Does she yearn to be invisible? From where does the sense of humour, of a particular sort with which I identify so closely, come? What difference between the six foot tall stingbean lad and the fifty pound overweight girl, at that age? Fat girl & skinny boy both wish invisibility, one no more than the other. I covet their engagement with each other, unaware of... What are they unaware of? My son need not settle. Do I covet their comfort with each other? I do. Do I covet his disregard of his fat girl friend, for whom he will likely be teased in later years? I do. Will he let himself be bloodied in her defense? I certainly hope so, and fully expect. As remarkable is she, he is also. He'll need no help from me tending to his wounds.
... Or is he just an excuse to bake a cake?
So what do I see of them in the sky above Teacher-Lady's house? Clouds and stars. My future and theirs in the same atmosphere. The dark storm, coming or going cannot overcome the scent of cakes baked, not at my suggestion, to celebrate my son's birthday, by young girls who will not be present to celebrate the true date... but insist on recognizing it nonetheless. My ideas regarding the theme by which they will decorate his cake will be soundly rebuffed, and I will cooperate with whatever scheme they choose... I possess the cake decorating equipment, after all.
And I will enjoy the thrill of all of them when they share his birthday, a day early. He won't remember the cake I baked him, but he'll die with these girls' cake in his mind.
As to whom I would have sex with... Although looking forward to she with whom I will share the bed tonight... would I trade places with a nine year old to have a relationship with a girl of an entirely different sort? I'd like to think I can, and do, have it both ways.
Am I blessed by the stars, or cursed by the clouds?

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